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that's it?  when will it be done..  it does have some potential.  I fell through the floor and got stuck trying to close myself into the closet.

It looks really promising, and I really liked what I've seen so far! Can't wait to see the full game. Great job =)


This is a pretty cool game but if def needs a flash light! Looking forward to the full game.


This demo was very scary, I hope for the full game.

interesting demo, but quite short. Will check back when the game is released.

I chose to stream the demo in my mini horrors stream, and I would be interested to see the full gameplay and I would stream it! I do wish there was a light source sometimes & also I didn't notice at first what the first jumpscare was, until a viewer told me haha. Other than that, I hope to see more from you! :)
Your game is at: 02:45:00

haha yeah, the first jumpscare is a bit buggy, I will try to fix it! thank you

Comments below clip:

You're sent out there to investigate and find a missing boy. But is that all that's not there? As you work your way through the darkness, hallways and rooms a gruesome picture emerges that takes you to the edge of normalcy. 

I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved, and thanks for making this game!

Man i cant wait for the full game! This demo was awesome. Check the video

This has a lot of potential. A neat demo that made me looking for more, intriguing for sure. Although i do suggest adding subtitles for any dialogue ! Other than that, very nice demo !

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

thanks for the suggestions and video!

I can't wait for the full game to come out. love it so much!  

That was a really cool demo. I cant wait to play the full release!

Lo termine de probar , y estuvo entretenido , lo malo que duro muy poco esta demo . a esperar a que puedan sacar una versión completa , buena suerte . 

Great game. Kaget habis nonton kasetnya tiba-tiba ada yang muncul, sama anak kecil yang lewat di akhir-akhir seremm.. Ditunggu fullnya

Game was awesome, looking forward to the full release, Got some La Llorona vibes for some reason, but hey, keep up the hard work...

Hello, I played this game and I liked it, good work :)

pinta bien el juego ojala verlo pronto completo

OMG!! Can't wait for the Game!! Nice job!

First game i played and it was pretty goooood tbh cant wait to see the full game highly recommend playing this game :)

Good Job

Anyone else have a issue when the game ends? My whole pc shut down and crashed and OBS fritzed out completely. Demo was solid until that moment. Like when i got right to the end. 

that was well made, keep it up!

Promessing game!

thanks for the video!

Hey friends Hope You Guys Enjoy the video . Can't wait for the full game to be released! 


Nice game, waiting for full Version 


I Can't wait for the full game. This scared the shit outta me a few times I made a video on it keep doing what you do. UHHH CAN WE TURN BACK PLEASE!? | The Missing One Demo | Indie Horror Game - YouTube


Here is my game play.  Not a bad game, especially for being a demo.  I look forward to playing the full game.


No problem!

For being a demo, this was not bad! Could definitely use a flashlight or at least functional light switches in the rooms. Made a video on it.

that's a good idea, thanks

Very nice demo here, looking forward to the full release :)


This game was good I enjoyed every bit of it, it was fun and scary it made me jump and have chills at times! cant wait for the full game!


great game, I can't wait to see the full game


Great game cant wait until the full game and i notice i couldnt pick up the flash light idk if it was a bug or what 

will look into that. thank u

I will be playing this live, tomorrow 1/21 around 2-230 PM EST =).


The Missing One: Eres un detective que busca a un niño desaparecido, las pistas te han conducido a un piso que sospechas que puede estar relacionado con el caso, tienes que explorar el apartamento y descubrir que pudo pasar dentro, muchas gracias por crear el juego, saludos a todos!!!!

great video! thanks

It's a bit dark in some spots, but other than that, this was an interesting demo! Can't wait to see more :)

thank you for the suggestion and the video :)

this detective needs a flash light

good idea!thanks


what do you think about my video

looks good. Little bit loud at the start though.

(2 edits)

The demo game was ok, but the strange thing was that the character's shadow is missing its head lol

Huh thats weird, will look into that, thank u for letting me know!


Thank u! Seems like the brightness is not enough, will look into that.

Very Good Game, I'm a YouTuber and will be releasing my footage on later today.  

greatest news of the day!

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